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Last Tuesday was my 27th Birthday. 🙂 I’m having a mid-life crisis because the big three zero is coming around the corner so I decided to wear the sexiest outfits in my closet and justifying it by telling myself: “Dood (that’s what I call myself) you have to wear this stuff now that you can rock it before you turn 50 and you can’t.” Then I thought, if I wanted to dress like this when I’m 50, that would be very, very sad. Anyhow, those who know me know that I don’t dress like this at all. In fact, when I go shopping with my best friend she’ll openly tell me that what I’m trying on makes me look as if I’m going to church. Not that there is anything wrong with looking like you’re going to church, but sometimes you have to step out of your comfort zone and live a little. So here’s my attempt at stepping out of my comfort zone.

Outfit #1: I celebrated twice this year, first I went to dinner with my girls during the week and then to dinner and dancing with my boyfriend on the weekend. Here’s what I wore to dinner with the girls. This leopard dress is from the Sophia Vergara collection at K-Mart and guess how much it cost? $15 (original price $50)! I purchased it while it was on sale and had an additional 40% discount. Here’s the link to purchase online. It’s super comfy and really sexy, and not too revealing to still feel classy and not hoochie.

Outfit #2: Here’s what I wore to dinner and dancing with my boyfriend. I previously showed this dress on a past haul (link here) and I purchased it at Forever 21 for $9.80. Super inexpensive dress. It is a bit shorter than the first dress but still very comfortable. I think this is probably the closest I’ll ever come to feeling like Kim Kardashian in my lifetime. (I swear I’m not trying to show my butt in the last photo, just the back of the dress.)

Here’s the lovely birthday present my boyfriend gave me. No it’s not an engagement ring (yet).

By the way, sorry about the photo quality in the outfit photos. I purchased a new camera and tripod which hopefully will arrive in the mail soon. So here’s to more outfit of the days and makeup looks coming soon! 😉

Oh and have you checked out my renewed “About Me” section? I switched it up a little…